Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Diversity Of Multicultural Education - 972 Words

According to (Beal Bolick, 2012), â€Å"Each day’s wave of current events reinforces our awareness that our globally interdependent world is a mà ©lange of people of different colors, religions, languages, and customs† (p. 55). Similar to the global world, classrooms across American today are beginning to look the same, raising awareness for teaching that is all-inclusive. Social studies teachers today are facing increasing difficulties with creating curriculums that meet their state’s mandated requirements and each individual learner, learning needs. A typical classroom will consist of students that may not speak English as a second language, a mixture of male and female students, and more important, children coming from several different backgrounds, having varying life experiences. Thus, the cultural differences resulted in a greater demand for today’s social studies teacher to practice culturally relevant teaching by using multicultural teaching di mensions, so that all children can achieve. Multicultural education will be successful only when the teacher understands the meaning of multicultural education, take into account results from their assessments of the children is learning styles, and then make changes to their teaching methods if necessary, by using a wide range of strategies and teaching techniques, that encourage diversity and acceptance. Multicultural education resembles instructions conveyed through content integration with real life experiences, andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Diversity and Multicultural Education in the Classroom1561 Words   |  7 Pagescan all affect the ways in which we learn. Educators must take special measures in the delivery of classroom instruction to celebrate the learning and cultural differences of each of their students. 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