Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Of Andrew Jackson - 971 Words

2) Chapter 10: Andrew Jackson was the kind of president that people either loved or hated? What is your assessment of his presidency and why? Was he a savior of the people as the Democrats believed or a tyrant as the Whigs believed? Andrew Jackson, nicknamed The People s President, was loved by common place people and hated by political enemies who nicknamed him King Andrew I. However, it can be assumed that the tide often turned due to his policies and executive actions. During his presidency he faced numerous issues affecting the nation at the time. His reactions to the issues were often enacted with good intentions but horrible results. Or more often, his reactions were often of fix it and forget it. His heavy handed Indian removal policy was quickly enacted without the initial cooperation of tribal officers. The removal policy was also one of submission rather than cooperation. To date, his administration is the only one to have paid off the national debt. However, this only la sted one year and was followed by a four year long depression. Another important reaction was the nullification crisis or the succession crisis. Due to the Tariff of Abominations the southern states felt as though they were being punished by the taxes and the northern states rewarded. President Jackson threatened military action to enforce the law, which may be considered as one of the initial roots of the coming civil war. Andrew Jackson s presidency was not one of saviorShow MoreRelatedEssay about Andrew Jackson: War Hero or Tyrant?653 Words   |  3 PagesAndrew Jackson was, and still is a beloved president to many people. The common person might look at our seventh president as a true war hero, when in fact Andrew Jackson was like a tyrant in many ways. He was the reason for about 7,000 Cherokees deaths, and violated many laws. The only reason Andrew Jackson was not impeached was because the senate did not provide a two thirds vote. 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Jackson made every decision according to the will of the American people, even the more unsavory ones. He was a war hero that exemplified the strength and tenacity by which America has defined itself over the generations. He acted in all ways with concern for the growth of the American nation, both at home and overseas. Even hisRead MoreAndrew Jackson s The Trail Of Tears1224 Words   |  5 Pagescold hearted killer ANDREW JACKSON! Who is this man Andrew Jackson? Well you may have heard of him from his infamous role in the trail of tears. What is the trail of tears you may ask? Well it was a horrible period in time when Indian tribes were forced from their homeland but I do not want to go into that right now because I am not writing a paper on the Trail of tears, I am writing about the man Andrew Jackson! So lets do this thing. Le ts begin at the beginning; Andrew Jackson was born on the fifteenth

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