Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Resolving Dispute

Question: Discuss about the Resolving Dispute ? Answer : Introduction The complaint was placed by a client who wanted a refund since a phone they bought had crashed and stopped functioning even before he had completed his $60 per month plan. Having filed the complaint in writing as required by the organization, the second stage was to look in to it according to the organizational policies. The organization states that a complaint should not take more than 24 hours of receipt without a reply. My response was as follows: Response According to Corones (2013) Australian consumer law state that every service and product will always have guarantees by default. In line with these national policies, our organization acknowledges that each and every customer is entitled to a refund. This, however, applies when the problem regarding the product is major as stipulated by the (Corones, 2013). Our organizational policies are in line with the Australian customer that; a customer must confirm that the product matches the description of advertisement as well as labels and packaging. The customer should also verify that the product is in line with the model of demonstration and not a replica of the original. Our organization insists that you understand all policies before signing the contract (Perera, Simpson, and Lipianin, 2015). On acceptance, our organizational policy states that the customer should be supplied with technical support for 24 months, a policy that is only applicable only to a technical problem. In the case of an accident which leads to malfunctioning of the gadget, our organization is not to be held reliable. If the gadget fails due to such accidents before clearing the plan, our organizational policy states that the customer should clear their plan regardless. However, the company policy guarantees a refund or replacement with the exact product in cases of major problems due to technical failure. We are sincerely sorry for any inconveniences. For more clarifications, please feel free to contact us. References Corones, S. G. (2013).The Australian consumer law. Thomson Reuters, Lawbook Co.. Perera, A., Simpson, L., Lipianin, Y. (2015). Dont Just S

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