Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Customer Satisfaction Strategies - 1030 Words

Customer Satisfaction Strategies What is customer satisfaction? We are in the midst of a revolution in business. Some call it a customer revolution, others a quality revolution, others a service revolution. Organizations are attempting to obtain increased customer satisfaction by focusing on the quality of their products and the service provided. This movement toward quality has produced significant benefits but just like other business fads, joining and adopting the religion does not insure that the real objective of producing customer satisfaction will be obtained. Customer satisfaction is a key ingredient to the success of any business.It is the most important factor that creates repeated customers. Some people know it but do not†¦show more content†¦These interpretations of the promises they listen you make or your product delivers are the product they are buying. Their expectations may contain some expected product characteristics or standards but these will vary from customer to customer. They may or may not be similar to standards you have designed into your product or service. They can be lower or higher. The traditional understanding of quality assumes that if we determine and adopt a set of standards or measurements for our product or service and meet these standards, our customers should be satisfied. However, meeting our quality standards does not necessarily insure that our customer will declare they are satisfied or even agree that we produce a quality product. We claim that quality is not a physical property. We say it lives in our conversations as an assessment or opinion. It varies depending upon who is speaking. The assessment of quality is dependent on some set of assumed standards. These standards are typically developed based upon some opinion of this is what the customer wants. Unfortunately, all customers are not the same and most do not share the same concerns or standards of what will satisfy those concerns. What is service? Good service is often viewed as being nice to the customer. This takes the form of being accommodating, never saying no, promising anything they ask for and always being courteous. Although weShow MoreRelatedIntegrated Marketing Communications (Imc) and Customer Satisfaction Strategy1244 Words   |  5 PagesIntegrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Customer Satisfaction Strategy For The Alpha Omega Medical Company MKT 500 Marketing Management Week 8 Assignment # 4 By Read MoreStrategies Hotels Use in Order to Achieve and Guarantee Customer Satisfaction.1308 Words   |  6 PagesA well renowned man once said: A customer is the most important visitor to our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption to our work; He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider to our business; He is part of it. 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