Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysis Of Nelly In Wuthering Heights - 1577 Words

Jessica walks into school to find two kids in a full fledged fight. Jessica did not know what to do, she was in shock, so she stood there and watched. Suddenly, a teacher arrives and demands everyone to go into her room; she then takes note of everyone involved in the situation. After school, Jessica is asked to meet the teacher and principal for a short meeting regarding the incident. They wanted her view because she was a witness she was able to retell the story exactly how it happened. In the teacher’s mind she was the most reliable source because she was a bystander, she was not involved in the fight, just someone who had a first hand experience. Would you agree with the teacher’s selection of her, would you agree she is the most†¦show more content†¦I’ll not promise to keep them† (Bronte 83). She is promising to not give her special treatment, to not favor her over Heathcliff or anyone else. In turn, she does not sway the reader to favor Heat hcliff over Catherine or vice versa. She allows the reader to decide on their own how they feel about the relationship. Nelly also allows the reader to interpret on their own about how they feel about Heathcliff and Catherine’s relationship. Heathcliff and Catherine both talk to Nelly directly about their feelings regarding their relationship, allowing her to reliably unveil to the reader the truth behind how they feel. Catherine talks about how â€Å"he’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same† (Bronte 81). And Heathcliff, referring to Catherine, says, â€Å"I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul† (Bronte 169). With both of them directly coming to her and expressing their feelings she is able to transparently show the reader exactly how they feel. Whereas if Catherine or Heathcliff were to retell the story they would have their own assumptions about how the other one feels, in turn likely sw aying the reader’s viewpoint. But Nelly knows for a fact and tells it that way. She also knows for a fact how Edgar and Isabella feel about Heathcliff and Catherine’s relationship first hand. She hears Edgar tell Catherine, â€Å"It is impossible for you to be my friend, and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which youShow MoreRelatedWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1555 Words   |  7 Pages2015 Wuthering Heights (1847) by Emily Brontà « Introduction The novel Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 by Emily Brontà «. The plot unravels with Lockwood visiting his landlord at Wuthering Heights; as Lockwood stays the night, he starts to discover items within the home and later a fatal vision appears, which causes him great curiosity. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on Customer Satisfaction Strategies - 1030 Words

Customer Satisfaction Strategies What is customer satisfaction? We are in the midst of a revolution in business. Some call it a customer revolution, others a quality revolution, others a service revolution. Organizations are attempting to obtain increased customer satisfaction by focusing on the quality of their products and the service provided. This movement toward quality has produced significant benefits but just like other business fads, joining and adopting the religion does not insure that the real objective of producing customer satisfaction will be obtained. Customer satisfaction is a key ingredient to the success of any business.It is the most important factor that creates repeated customers. Some people know it but do not†¦show more content†¦These interpretations of the promises they listen you make or your product delivers are the product they are buying. Their expectations may contain some expected product characteristics or standards but these will vary from customer to customer. They may or may not be similar to standards you have designed into your product or service. They can be lower or higher. The traditional understanding of quality assumes that if we determine and adopt a set of standards or measurements for our product or service and meet these standards, our customers should be satisfied. However, meeting our quality standards does not necessarily insure that our customer will declare they are satisfied or even agree that we produce a quality product. We claim that quality is not a physical property. We say it lives in our conversations as an assessment or opinion. It varies depending upon who is speaking. The assessment of quality is dependent on some set of assumed standards. These standards are typically developed based upon some opinion of this is what the customer wants. Unfortunately, all customers are not the same and most do not share the same concerns or standards of what will satisfy those concerns. What is service? Good service is often viewed as being nice to the customer. This takes the form of being accommodating, never saying no, promising anything they ask for and always being courteous. Although weShow MoreRelatedIntegrated Marketing Communications (Imc) and Customer Satisfaction Strategy1244 Words   |  5 PagesIntegrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Customer Satisfaction Strategy For The Alpha Omega Medical Company MKT 500 Marketing Management Week 8 Assignment # 4 By Read MoreStrategies Hotels Use in Order to Achieve and Guarantee Customer Satisfaction.1308 Words   |  6 PagesA well renowned man once said: A customer is the most important visitor to our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption to our work; He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider to our business; He is part of it. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Marketing and Management World Wildlife Fund

Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Managementfor World Wildlife Fund. Answer: Introduction Social marketing helps an organization to not only gain business but also look after the society. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) are such organizations that specialize in social marketing. WWF started its operation in the year 1961 and it did not take much time for the organization to get appreciation in the society (, 2016). There has been a huge growth for the company ever since and currently it is operating in more than 100 countries. The main aim of the company is conservation of the environment. It started with a budget of $80,000 in the first year and currently possesses around 50,000 supporters from all around the globe. RSPCA mainly supported the fact that animals have no voice and worked as the voice of the animals (RSPCA Adopt a pet, 2016). They aimed at saving the animals from any kind of torture. The torture can range from small torture by the human beings and can be the testing that is being done on the animals. The company started working since the year, 1824. It was the first company to pass a law to stop the torture on the animals of the society. The write-up will throw light on the marketing mix of adopted by WWF and RSPCA. The marketing mix of the companies will be critically analyzed and compared to evaluate whether they would be able to attract the customers. The target market of the companies will then be evaluated based on the marketing mix. 4 Ps Marketing by WWF Product Product is defined as the benefit that a customer will get from a certain investment (Wilson et al., 2012). The core benefit of the product is that the customers will be able to help the environment and help saving the endangered species of the world. The customers will expect that he or she will get the recognition for the noble cause and join the goodwill for the society. The augmented product will be the brand name of World Welfare Foundation (WWF). Many other organizations demand money from the customers but do not use for the right cause. The name of WWF will give the customers the assurance that their money would not be wasted (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). Price Price can be defined as the value of the products (Terpstra, Foley Sarathy, 2012). The customers should be satisfied that the money that they are paying for the product will give them the desired value of their contribution (Kotler, 2012). The customers will be paying the initial cost and there will be no ongoing cost for the products, which will be able to attract more customers (Rosenbloom, 2012). Once a customer has donated an amount or adopted an animal, there will be no ongoing cost. Later if the customer wants to donate another time, it will be another fresh new investment. Place/ Distribution As a customer, it will be easy to obtain the product because it is available online (De Mooij, 2013). The customer would not have to visit any office and the transactions of the cash can be done with any online payment method. The things that WWF will give in return for the adoption will also be delivered to the home of the customers. Promotion WWF is mainly concentrating on the seasonal promotions (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). They are promoting their business by asking the customers to adopt a wildlife animal by donating an amount of money and save the animal from getting extinct. As Christmas is associated with goodwill and gifting, the promotions with messages related to Christmas will help WWF to get more business from the adoption.v 4 Ps Marketing by RSPCA Adopt a pet Product The product will attract the pet lovers and the customers will be interested as the core benefit of the product will be to look after the animals and help them to save them from harmful testing (McKenzie-Mohr, 2013). The customers will expect that they might able to find certain breeds that are not available readily in the market. The name of Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) will give them the assurance that as the company says that the animals are vaccinated will be done at the time, they will adopt the animals. Price The initial cost to purchase the product is nil but the customers have to pay the ongoing cost (Wilson et al., 2012). The customers can adopt a pet and take care of the pet. The customers might bale to adopt the pet but will have to take care of the poet with proper food, vaccination and take to doctors when the pet will be ill. Place/ Distribution The place where the customers will find the product is within the reach of the customers. the customers just have to tell the types of pet they want along with their place and they will get the desired pets of their choice (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). Promotion RSPCA does the promotion by highlighting the stories of the past adoptions. They purposely do not promote the stories of the individuals but promote the stories of the animals. In this way, the needs of the animals are more highlighted to the customers and they will feel the urge to adopt more animals (Terpstra, Foley Sarathy, 2012). The stories include the way RSPCA found them and the present state of the animals. The customers will then get an idea about the positive side of the promotions and adopt a pet. Comparison and Target Market The main difference between the business of WWF and RSPCA is that the former is mainly about saving the wildlife and the latter is mainly about saving the domestic animals. the marketing styles is almost the same but the style of RSPCA is more nearer to the people because it is not asking for any money but asking the customers to adopt a pet that will for the welfare of the society. On the other hand, the advantage of WWF over RSPCA is that their campaign does not ask for any ongoing cost from the customers. On the other hand, RSPCA talks about adopting the pet that means, the customers will have to pay the ongoing cost. Another advantage of WWF over RSPCA is that it is present worldwide, whereas RSPCA can serve only the people of Australia. As a result, if any person wants to adopt an animal from another country as a pet, RSPCA would not be able to help. The target market for the above companies will be the social activists and consumers who are willing expend on social cause (Kotler, 2012). Pet lovers can also be the target market for the companies. As many customers would not be pet lovers, hence, it would be difficult for the customers to get attracted to RSPCA. On the other hand, WWF will be able to garner more customers. Adoption at WWF requires some amount of money but if any customer is fine with onetime payment and help the society, the customers will be interested in the adoption (Rosenbloom, 2012). Conclusion After going through the marketing mix of WWF and RSPCA, it can be said that the companies has tried hard to reach to the customers with seasonal offers and past stories. The online transactions would help the companies to get more customers as they will be able to see the products and pay online. The target market for the companies will be the customers who would are more interested in social services and pet lovers. References Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Jobber, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012).Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kotler, P. (2012).Kotler on marketing. Simon and Schuster. McKenzie-Mohr, D. (2013).Fostering sustainable behavior: An introduction to community-based social marketing. New society publishers. Rosenbloom, B. (2012).Marketing channels. Cengage Learning. RSPCA Adopt a pet,. (2016).RSPCA ADOPT A PET.RSPCA Adopt a pet. Retrieved 15 December 2016, from Terpstra, V., Foley, J., Sarathy, R. (2012).International marketing. Naper Press. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., Gremler, D. D. (2012).Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill.,. (2016).The Brief History Of WWF Australia - WWF - Retrieved 15 December 2016, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Effects and Causes of Inflation and Depression Essay Sample free essay sample

Inflation is the overall degree monetary values of goods and services quickly increase in an economic system over a period clip. When the overall monetary value degree additions. it will impact the decreasing buying power of the currency. An economic rising prices is non occurs all of a sudden. it is causes by three types of rising prices. The first cause is demand-pull rising prices consequences from additions in aggregative demand on goods. The extra demand will do the flat monetary value of goods rises. This is normally described as â€Å"too much money trailing excessively few goods† . The 2nd cause is cost-push rising prices is due to the lessenings in aggregative supply. The natural catastrophes or additions monetary values of inputs besides will take the bead in aggregative supply. Therefore. go on the extra demand in an economic system. The 3rd cause is constitutional rising prices which is cause by the higher rewards of workers. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects and Causes of Inflation and Depression Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And so houses will bear down the higher monetary values on client when go throughing the higher labour costs to them. The rising prices have several sorts of consequence. One of the effects is menu costs. the houses must maintain up to alter their monetary values with economic system broad alterations. The demand to pay extra costs due from the monetary value alterations is call bill of fare costs. Besides. the rising prices will impact the salvaging histories negatively. It is because the rising prices will cut down the buying power of the involvement paid and the presently involvement rates are really low. Therefore. it will cut down the inducement for salvaging money. In add-on. the consequence of international trade will do exports more expensive and be given toward a weakening balance of trade. Furthermore. the inducement of investing will cut down when the uncertainly monetary value of input and trade good monetary value will take the houses make the incorrect determination. The last one of the effects is the rising prices have increased the consumer disbursement. This prompt trade brotherhoods to demand the higher rewards. The lifting rewards can assist fuel rising prices. In a sense. rising prices begets farther inflationary outlooks. The depression is the overall monetary values degree of goods and services quickly decrease in an economic system over a period clip. It is a more terrible downswing than a recession. In economic sciences. recession is a concern rhythm contraction and a general lag in economic activity. The depression is as portion of the modern concern rhythm. Besides. depression is the utmost signifier of recession. The cause depression affect by some sort of fiscal or banking crisis will due to the big additions in unnatural unemployment rate. The falls in the handiness of recognition will due to the concerns are unable to entree funding and cut back on production. Therefore. the houses will diminish their work forces. The volatile currency fluctuations. shriveling investing. legion bankruptcies besides are the causes of depression. The depression has five types of effects. The first consequence is the decrease in authorities disbursement will take to diminish the consumer demand. The 2nd consequence is trade prostration have a crisp decrease in revenue enhancement grosss. net incomes and personal incomes. A state raising duties on imports for protect their ain industries and merchandises during the international trade. The 3rd consequence is employee hurt. the rewards will cut down in proportion of the depression. Therefore. it will diminish the standard life of people. The 4th consequence is breakdown of the fiscal machinery. it will happen when most of investors lost big of money and several were wiped out. Shops. mills and Bankss were closed and lead 1000000s of people idle. penniless and homeless. The last 1 is consequence on agribusiness when deficiency of loans and subsidies. It will do the husbandmans were unable to back up mass green goods taking to under-capacity end product. Economies have provide goods and services to fulfill consumer demands. But cause by the rising prices. consumer have less money to pass when the rewards no addition the rate as rising prices. The charge in higher monetary value and the lower rewards will due to the spread between income and disbursals. So people will less in ingestion. Finally. this state of affairs could finally take to deflation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do viruses help essays

Do viruses help essays Just like bacteria viruses are one of the microbes that are winning the match against the humans. Viruses were the toughest one to tackle for the scientist. The shape, contents and their protective shields were the most challenging part of the fight. There are many ways one can treat cancer, but for AIDS doctors prescribe a cocktail of drugs in which some are enzyme inhibitors, protein inhibitors and while some are RNA inhibitors. This is not it in the cocktail there is more to the list. As the technology increases and the knowledge of our scientist about the DNA, RNA, Viruses, Bacteria, and other interesting things we are a step closer to the destruction of the virus. The hardest part of the virus is that it mutates a lot. Just like bacteria viruses do get resistant to drugs we take against them. For example if one catches cold or flu the doctors prescribe Amoxicycilin or something similar to it. If the patient doesnt finish the dosage there is a likelihood for the cold virus to get resistant to Amoxicycilin resulting a second drug intake. Pharmaceutical industries are trying to take a new approach to make antiviral drugs. One recently developed shows remarkable effects on the herpes virus. The recent antiviral drug indirectly attacks the virus making it hard for the virus to develop resistance to. Until today what the antiviral drugs did was they interfered with the production of the essential protein by the viruses. Viruses are also denoted as parasites, meaning that they infect a host as its life support. To fight the war against the viruses University of Pennsylvania Medical Center researches took the herpes simplex virus for experimental purpose, they found out that by inhibiting certain set of cellular enzymes they can successfully stop all the viral activity which causes the host to become sick. These enzymes are called cyclin-dependent kinases, or cdks. This enzy ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Imperialism in the United States essays

Imperialism in the United States essays As Americans, it is our destiny to expand the size of our nation. Now, at the turn of the century, the United States needs to expand to support our growing county. Here is our chance to join the European imperialist powers in Europe and establish colonies overseas, such as the Hawaiian Islands. Imperialism is a global trend and if we, as a nation, want to fit in with the superpowers like England and Germany we must extend our economic, political, and military powers over weaker territories. Advances in technology are enabling Americans to produce far more than Americans alone can consume. However, the United States is in dire need of materials for our factories. As an imperialist, the solution to the American economic crisis is foreign trade. If we can trade our overproduced products for the raw materials that we need to keep our factories up and running, then the United States will be economically sound for years to come. As long as we export more than we import, our glorious country will be a leading economic power. Another reason for American imperialism is our desire for military strength. Because many of the countries around the world are establishing military presence in areas other than their home countries, I feel that it would be wise for the United States to build up our own military strength before foreign superpowers can take advantage of us. We need a strong navy to defend our shipping lanes during peacetime to ensure American economic growth. We also need a strong navy to protect our country in times of war. In the event of a war, the United States must be prepared to defend everything that we have worked so hard to achieve. With a strong navy and a canal in Panama, the United States would be the strongest country in the Western Hemisphere because we could easily trade with Europe and Asia. Along with ships to protect shipping lanes, the United States should have strategically placed naval bases in...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Marketing plan - Essay Example The Insider Fashions has got a good reception to in the market, thanks to its broad range of customers. Its target market has found the place a one stop shop for all the family fashion. This has brought the need for the store to stretch its branches in various parts of the state. Therefore, it is only from a good marketing plan that the operations of this company can be well executed. Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives The mission of The Insider Fashion Store is to ‘’use the displayed opportunity in the current trends in fashion to provide the best outfit solution to all categories of customers, under one roof, through vigorous market research and rapid product design’’. Its vision is to ‘’become a world class store of the best outfits to all consumer categories’’. As a progressive store, The Insider has a goal to cover all the states in the USA by 2014. SWOT Analysis i. Strengths The Insider Fashions Store is a one stop shop for all the family cloths; therefore it attracts a broad range of customers. There is a welcoming mood created by the store’s employees, where customers are ushered in, well attended to and even provided with snacks to keep them shopping even for longer hours. The store stocks a range of products from all over the world, most of which, come from the most reputable brands in the world. It has partnered with children's entertainment companies to provide various entertainment facilities like video games for the children. This makes the parents to prefer the store since they can move in with their children and stay for longer hours without the children complaining Provision of trial rooms where the outfits are tried by customers to confirm the sizes. ii. Weaknesses The store is forced to charge relatively higher prices than its competitors since it deals with exclusive high quality products which come from far and at high prices. There is need to train employees thoroughly befor e they are employed, this makes the store to lose a lot of money in training iii. Opportunities All the store’s branches have been strategically placed at busy malls and near big colleges where there is a thrilling lot of customers There is a need for a one stop shopping store for all the family outfits which the store has exploited. There is still need for such stores in various parts of the state, an opportunity that the store has taken up positively and planning for further expansion. The store specializes in training its employee and is now planning to start up a commercial training college for such services. iv. Threats There is stiff competition that the store receives from several other stores set up in the state. By opening up a commercial training facility, there are high chances that the store will disperse its idea of success which other people will use to start up other stores like The Insider. There is also a threat of the new companies that are entering the mark et with new strategies The store has a threat of losing its international customers in case similar stores are starting up in the customers’ respective countries. Market Segmentation The market will be segmented in the strength of the customers’ demographic characteristics. The stores around colleges will be stocked up with various youth outfits, more than the other outfits of other age categories. The prices at these stores near colleges will also be lowered to consider that the targeted clients at these places are students who have tendencies of spending less money. For example, one