Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do viruses help essays

Do viruses help essays Just like bacteria viruses are one of the microbes that are winning the match against the humans. Viruses were the toughest one to tackle for the scientist. The shape, contents and their protective shields were the most challenging part of the fight. There are many ways one can treat cancer, but for AIDS doctors prescribe a cocktail of drugs in which some are enzyme inhibitors, protein inhibitors and while some are RNA inhibitors. This is not it in the cocktail there is more to the list. As the technology increases and the knowledge of our scientist about the DNA, RNA, Viruses, Bacteria, and other interesting things we are a step closer to the destruction of the virus. The hardest part of the virus is that it mutates a lot. Just like bacteria viruses do get resistant to drugs we take against them. For example if one catches cold or flu the doctors prescribe Amoxicycilin or something similar to it. If the patient doesnt finish the dosage there is a likelihood for the cold virus to get resistant to Amoxicycilin resulting a second drug intake. Pharmaceutical industries are trying to take a new approach to make antiviral drugs. One recently developed shows remarkable effects on the herpes virus. The recent antiviral drug indirectly attacks the virus making it hard for the virus to develop resistance to. Until today what the antiviral drugs did was they interfered with the production of the essential protein by the viruses. Viruses are also denoted as parasites, meaning that they infect a host as its life support. To fight the war against the viruses University of Pennsylvania Medical Center researches took the herpes simplex virus for experimental purpose, they found out that by inhibiting certain set of cellular enzymes they can successfully stop all the viral activity which causes the host to become sick. These enzymes are called cyclin-dependent kinases, or cdks. This enzy ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Imperialism in the United States essays

Imperialism in the United States essays As Americans, it is our destiny to expand the size of our nation. Now, at the turn of the century, the United States needs to expand to support our growing county. Here is our chance to join the European imperialist powers in Europe and establish colonies overseas, such as the Hawaiian Islands. Imperialism is a global trend and if we, as a nation, want to fit in with the superpowers like England and Germany we must extend our economic, political, and military powers over weaker territories. Advances in technology are enabling Americans to produce far more than Americans alone can consume. However, the United States is in dire need of materials for our factories. As an imperialist, the solution to the American economic crisis is foreign trade. If we can trade our overproduced products for the raw materials that we need to keep our factories up and running, then the United States will be economically sound for years to come. As long as we export more than we import, our glorious country will be a leading economic power. Another reason for American imperialism is our desire for military strength. Because many of the countries around the world are establishing military presence in areas other than their home countries, I feel that it would be wise for the United States to build up our own military strength before foreign superpowers can take advantage of us. We need a strong navy to defend our shipping lanes during peacetime to ensure American economic growth. We also need a strong navy to protect our country in times of war. In the event of a war, the United States must be prepared to defend everything that we have worked so hard to achieve. With a strong navy and a canal in Panama, the United States would be the strongest country in the Western Hemisphere because we could easily trade with Europe and Asia. Along with ships to protect shipping lanes, the United States should have strategically placed naval bases in...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Marketing plan - Essay Example The Insider Fashions has got a good reception to in the market, thanks to its broad range of customers. Its target market has found the place a one stop shop for all the family fashion. This has brought the need for the store to stretch its branches in various parts of the state. Therefore, it is only from a good marketing plan that the operations of this company can be well executed. Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives The mission of The Insider Fashion Store is to ‘’use the displayed opportunity in the current trends in fashion to provide the best outfit solution to all categories of customers, under one roof, through vigorous market research and rapid product design’’. Its vision is to ‘’become a world class store of the best outfits to all consumer categories’’. As a progressive store, The Insider has a goal to cover all the states in the USA by 2014. SWOT Analysis i. Strengths The Insider Fashions Store is a one stop shop for all the family cloths; therefore it attracts a broad range of customers. There is a welcoming mood created by the store’s employees, where customers are ushered in, well attended to and even provided with snacks to keep them shopping even for longer hours. The store stocks a range of products from all over the world, most of which, come from the most reputable brands in the world. It has partnered with children's entertainment companies to provide various entertainment facilities like video games for the children. This makes the parents to prefer the store since they can move in with their children and stay for longer hours without the children complaining Provision of trial rooms where the outfits are tried by customers to confirm the sizes. ii. Weaknesses The store is forced to charge relatively higher prices than its competitors since it deals with exclusive high quality products which come from far and at high prices. There is need to train employees thoroughly befor e they are employed, this makes the store to lose a lot of money in training iii. Opportunities All the store’s branches have been strategically placed at busy malls and near big colleges where there is a thrilling lot of customers There is a need for a one stop shopping store for all the family outfits which the store has exploited. There is still need for such stores in various parts of the state, an opportunity that the store has taken up positively and planning for further expansion. The store specializes in training its employee and is now planning to start up a commercial training college for such services. iv. Threats There is stiff competition that the store receives from several other stores set up in the state. By opening up a commercial training facility, there are high chances that the store will disperse its idea of success which other people will use to start up other stores like The Insider. There is also a threat of the new companies that are entering the mark et with new strategies The store has a threat of losing its international customers in case similar stores are starting up in the customers’ respective countries. Market Segmentation The market will be segmented in the strength of the customers’ demographic characteristics. The stores around colleges will be stocked up with various youth outfits, more than the other outfits of other age categories. The prices at these stores near colleges will also be lowered to consider that the targeted clients at these places are students who have tendencies of spending less money. For example, one